With temperatures the next few days reaching only single digits, and wind chills way below zero, even a 15 to 30-minute exposure to cold temperatures is enough to cause serious injuries, mostly to hands and feet. Extreme cold temperatures can quickly impact circulation and tissue to the limbs. Doctor Dhaval Bhavsar, a plastic surgeon and co-director of the Burnett Burn Center at The University of Kansas Health System, has everything you need to know about frostbite, including what you can do at home and when it’s time to seek medical attention. He warns against rewarming rapidly or with extreme water temperatures, as that can also cause injuries. He also has advice on how to prevent and treat frostbite. The video also includes interviews from 2018 with two patients brought into the burn unit for frostbite treatment. Quinn Triplett described his ordeal as a homeless man when the temperature plunged below zero. He knew about the possibility of frostbite but says he never expected it would happen to him. He says the staff is doing everything possible to save his fingers. The other patient is Claude Blacksure. He found himself having to walk a great distance in the snow back to his home after being dropped off at a friend’s house…only to find out the friend wasn’t home. He describes how he coped with blistering and swelling hands during his long walk and how he’s hoping doctors can get the circulation back in his fingers.