Extreme Cold Just as Bad as Extreme Heat for Children in Cars

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Bob Hallinan

Executive Producer

Office: (913) 588-7284

Cell: (913)-481-7329



        We often hear stories about parents leaving children in cars during the sweltering heat of summer, and the dangers that causes. But being left inside of a car in the freezing weather can be just as bad. A Lawrence, Kansas mom is charged with leaving her two small children inside a car for several hours in 6-degree weather.

            Dr. Travis Langner is a pediatric critical care specialist at The University of Kansas Health System. In the video, he talks about the dangers of extremely cold weather for small children. He says their tiny bodies can’t adjust to the temperatures as easily as adults, and it just takes a drop of a couple of degrees in their body temperature for hypothermia to set in. He also says it’s important to know that just because they’re in a car with the heater on, it can still be dangerous. With their coats and blankets on, it’s possible for them to become overheated faster than adults.