Patient with COVID-19 Admitted to The University of Kansas Hospital

          A patient with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, has been admitted to The University of Kansas Hospital for treatment. The patient is in a specially equipped area that is designed to prevent the spread of the virus to other patients, visitors, staff and physicians.

This patient did exactly as we've been asking the public to do to protect others.  They called ahead to their doctor's office and the hospital to plan the specimen collection for testing and subsequent care.  Upon arrival, caregivers wearing protective personal gear coordinated the patient's entry into the hospital. No other patients, visitors or caregivers were exposed.  The University of Kansas Heath System followed CDC and KDHE guidelines to protect caregivers, patients and visitors from exposure.  

We will not share information about patients admitted for COVID-19 in order to protect their privacy as required by federal law.  County and state health departments work in tandem for contact tracing and will notify people at risk per their protocols.  All questions related to public safety should be directed to the appropriate governing agency.

The University of Kansas Health System’s top priority is the safety of our patients, caregivers, and the community. Our expert clinicians regularly care for patients with severe respiratory illnesses and other infectious diseases. They are well trained and follow specific procedures using the tools and techniques in place to protect themselves, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Employees are safe to come to work and patients are safe to keep their medical appointments and planned procedures to stay healthy. 

There are no more planned updates at this time.

The video shows personal protective equipment worn by hospital medical staff. It also shows a negative airflow room and the proper way to wash your hands.