Key points from today’s guests:
Amy Reinhardt, kidney recipient, living with Goodpasture Syndrome
- In the summer of 2021, she started experiencing many different symptoms that she chalked up to food poisoning or COVID.
- At the insistence of her mother, she finally got some blood work and was informed that her kidneys were failing and she needed to get to an emergency room as soon as possible.
- At 27, she was diagnosed with Goodpasture Syndrome, a very rare autoimmune disease.
- She was on dialysis for 12 hours per day while awaiting a kidney transplant, which she received six months ago.
- Her donor was a 21-year-old from Colorado who she hopes to meet in person this summer.
- Participating in Turning Point classes, offered by the Health System, helped to cope and connect with others.
- She credits her strong faith for the opportunity to grow and just become stronger, braver and just have that sense of hope.
Lizzie Wright, program director, Turning Point
- Turning Point’s mission is to bring people together who are having a shared experience and it's anybody who's living with a chronic or serious physical illness such as renal disease, cancer, Parkinson's, diabetes, osteoporosis, or something else.
- Our design is to teach people skills to help better manage life with an illness. This can include meditation, mindfulness programs, nutrition, etc.
- All of our programs are taught by somebody licensed in their fields. For example, emotional support classes are taught by licensed clinical social workers or a licensed psychologist.
- Amy was able to take advantage of several sessions which helped her while she was on dialysis and waiting for a donor.
- Our programs are all philanthropically funded and free to participants. We don't want attendees to deal with insurance or anything and that's by design because nobody needs to be deal with any extra barriers while going through something.
- For people who are feeling isolated and living with anxiety and depression, if it's not Turning Point, we’ll still help you get connected to other things. You're not alone, and we have support here to help you through it.
COVID Updates
Dr. Dana Hawkinson, medical director of Infection Prevention and Control, The University of Kansas Health System
- This week, the COVID count is at 24 active inpatients, in line with the 23 active inpatients last week.
- In Pennsylvania, at least 11 people have gotten sick from bacteria found in raw milk, also referred to as non-pasteurized milk.
- It has been traced back to a single dairy farm and officials are urging people to throw any of this raw milk out that came from that particular seller.
- We know that there are these dairies around the country that are selling raw milk, but it is dangerous. There was a reason why pasteurization was ultimately invented. These techniques of science have proven to be safe and effective, and really cut down on morbidity and mortality, not just for you, but your children and your loved ones as well.
Wednesday, February 7 at 8 a.m. is the next Open Mics With Dr. Stites. What happens when high blood pressure reaches inside your lungs? There are changing treatments for pulmonary hypertension. Meet one young woman hoping new medicine will help reclaim her life.
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